He is the joy of my life

Puppy Name: Fenway

"He is the joy of my life"

February 20, 2023

There are people that come into your life right when you need them. Our so-called angels on earth and I truly believe that Leroy is one of these people. I lost my 13 1/2-year-old Maltichon on Thanksgiving 2020. I did not know he was sick and he died within 48 hours, leaving me heartbroken. I had raised him with my three children and thought I would never have a dog again. But after a few months, I found myself longing for that companionship. After finding a puppy with another breeder and sending a deposit, it seemed as if I was being ghosted. I had heard stories about this during Covid and couldn’t believe it was happening to me. I was trying to be so careful. Devastated, I walked out of school at the end of the day, got in my car and decided I wasn’t leaving the parking lot until I found another dog. By chance, I came upon Charming Puppies. The second pup I saw grabbed at my heart and I knew that was going to be my dog if there was any way I could make it happen. I called the number immediately and Leroy answered. I was emotional and was forthcoming with him regarding my situation, that I had a deposit in on another pup that seemed not to be going through.

My timing for getting a pup etc. Leroy did not skip a beat. He was calm, caring, and genuine and within half an hour he sent me pictures of he and the puppy so that I would be comforted in knowing that there was a real person on the other end of the phone. He sent me pictures of his beautiful kennel and a list of references to call. Within 24 hours, I had spoken to the references who gave me raving reviews and I sent my deposit. Leroy was amazing to work with throughout the entire process and clearly a very dedicated breeder. He was always available, happy to answer any questions, send me new pictures and videos and I even FaceTimed with he and my pup! Leroy went above and beyond to make sure I was secure in my decision. He worked with me on the timing of bringing my pup home as I needed an extra two weeks to finish the school year and also helped me arrange the transportation to bring my Fenway home. It is obvious that Fenway was well cared for, well-socialized and loved. He is extremely smart winning ribbons at his first two puppy training sessions. He loves people, other dogs and even other animals as he tries to run with the squirrels in our neighborhood. He is a very sweet and special dog. My brother has disabilities and Fenway knows just what he needs. He gives my brother extra kisses and calms immediately, sitting very still on his lap. He has such a lovely disposition that I am able to bring him into my brother’s residence to visit with all of his housemates. Anyone would be blessed to be able to get a puppy from Charming Puppies and to work with Leroy. I consider Leroy family and a forever friend. I have attached some pictures of Fenway who will be a year old next month. He is the joy of my life and a very happy healthy puppy.

