Mr teddy the cavachon
I’m excited to introduce this cute little guy to my website! He will be a very sweet, gentle Cavachon . his mom has a very loving sweet personality along with his dad. He will be approximately 16 pounds adult size. for any additional questions contact Leroy with charming puppies.
Already Adopted
Need a little help?
Call/Text: (330) 473-8054
Puppy Parents
Mom - Ms. Lady the Bichon Frise
Ms lady is very healthy and has a great disposition
Father - Dusty
Mr. Dusty has a great disposition and a unique color, for a king Charles Cavalier. He is currently AKC registered and very healthy.
Fast Facts About Cavachons
We love to talk about Bruno!
Leroy was so kind, helpful and quick to respond. He answered all of our questions. Our family of seven absolutely LOVES Bruno, he is part of the family. He was the most adorable puppy we've ever seen and has turned…
We couldn’t have found a better breeder!
We took Molly for her vet appt and they said she was very healthy. We've taken her for a couple of walks and she loves them. She likes all of the smells and sounds outside. She is so affectionate and…
Working With Leroy Was An Amazing Experience
Working with Leroy was an amazing experience. We live about an hour away and he let us Visit Alfie several times throughout the process of purchasing him. I feel this helped immensely with our puppy transitioning into our home. Leroy…
I Was So Impressed
I live in California and was looking for a Cavachon dog breeder that was trustworthy, had solid reviews, and cared about his dogs and litters. I was so impressed with Leroy from the moment I spoke to him on the…