Oh, how I love this little dog. This is really my first dog because I am a cat person but not much anymore. This little girl has stolen my heart.
We got her in December 2018 and I can’t remember life without her. We stopped off at the closest Petsmart on the way home to pick up some things. They had free photos with Santa.
After a few months, a friend of ours came over to check her out and he said we had a very good dog and we should try and train her to be a therapy dog to be able to go to nursing homes, schools, libraries, etc. Here in Lexington, KY., we have Love on a Leash program that they have to test for and that meant some training.
We started Joy in training classes at our local Petsmart because it was an affordable cost and certainly wouldn’t hurt. We did the Puppy class, Beginner class, Intermediate Class, Trick class (that was my personal favorite), and Therapy Dog Class, and we are now in the Advanced Class and preparing to apply to Love on a Leash. Each class has its own graduation. I will tell you that the more you work with your dog the better they are in class. At the end of her Therapy class and also in the Advanced class Petsmart gives you the Good Citizen test that is acknowledged by the AKC. They also acknowledge the Trick class. Being a mixed designer breed they can only be recognized by the AKC by some of their training. There are small fees involved but it is pretty cool. We were able to give her an official name – Joy Shows Me, Jesus. (The Lord revealed to me one day during my devotions that Joy always wants to be with me and that she doesn’t ever want to be left behind and that the Lord is the same way). Then we received the Trick patch and certificate and then the Good Citizen patch and certificate.
We also get her groomed at Petsmart. She is mostly a white dog and she does like to act like a dog when she is outside so that means she does get dirty. She goes at least once a month and they use the ‘whitening ‘ shampoo on her and of course, pretty’s her all up. One time I shampooed her myself and really didn’t blow dry her or brush right afterward and she got all matted and they had to shave her in places. I learned my lesson on that one. It is wonderful that this breed doesn’t shed and is probably hypoallergenic.
Having a Cavachon is great. I mean this to me is a perfect breed if you want a companion. She is 18 pounds. She is small enough if you have to pick her up and big enough that you don’t step on her. She gets along great with the grandkids and our 2 cats (although they could do without her). She is a smart little dog and I am being honest here. She loves routine. We do NOT kennel her. She sleeps with us along with the 2 cats and it is one big happy family.
My husband Lewis was not very excited about getting a dog. The first week he said if he could find a family he would give her to them. The second week he said if he could find a really good family he would give her to them. The third week- Come to daddy sweetheart!!!!!.
People have fallen in love with Joy-my vet, my chiropractor, my staff, my grandkids, the whole staff at Petsmart, and even our friends. She shows such unconditional love that it almost makes one cry. She loves to fetch and wrestle and tug but occasionally she will have the ‘burst’ of energy that she just runs around the house. It lasts about 5 minutes. I just encourage her. Afterward, she just lies down and rests. It is like she has to get this energy out before bed. I have read that other Cavachons do that as well.
We have scoped out the places that let you bring your dog which are Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Petsmart are among those which Joy loves going to.
LeRoy Miller was our breeder. I drove about 5 hours to get to him and was worth the trip beside the countryside is beautiful. LeRoy talked with me so many times and we still communicate about how Joy is doing. He cares about his dogs. I just don’t think I could find a dog more loving. My husband doesn’t know it yet but I could see myself getting another one from LeRoy in a couple of years.

This Little Girl Has Stolen My Heart
"This Little Girl Has Stolen My Heart"
February 21, 2023
~Dr. Susan Burton