Mr. Max the Cavachon
I’m excited to Introduce Mr. Max to my website he is a fun, loving puppy. He is currently healthy and doing great. Approximate weight will be about 15 pounds adult size. For any additional questions contact Leroy with charmingpuppies.
Already Adopted
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Call/Text: (330) 473-8054
Puppy Parents
Mom - Wilma the Bichon
Wilma is very sweet with her personality and Loves to cuddle. I’m excited to be able to have her as part of our family! She is currently very healthy with very healthy puppies she provides for.
Father - Dusty the Cavalier
Mr. Dusty has a great disposition and a unique color, for a king Charles Cavalier. He is currently AKC registered and very healthy.
Fast Facts About Cavachons
Cutest puppy alive
We had the best experience with Leroy when we adopted Amanda. He made it so smooth, and so easy. The puppy paperwork was extensive and all in perfect order. Amanda is in perfect health, as promised.…
Richard Klingensmith
The perfect puppy adoption!
After looking a long while at different breeders I chose Leroy with Charming Puppies. The experience was nothing but excellent! Leroy was quick to send pictures and answer all of my questions in a very speedy…
Amy Smith
Star Of The Neighborhood!
Athena had her 12-week checkout... she's in excellent health, already 6.8 lbs., fully housebroken, incredibly smart, and the star of the neighborhood! You did well Leroy...
The Perfect Puppy
Where to start! Bonnie joined our home on February 27, 2023. Leroy was the ideal person to work with when it came to adopting a puppy. He answered every question we had, sent us pictures every…
Carter & Rebecca