Mr. Max the Cavachon
I’m excited to Introduce Mr. Max to my website he is a fun, loving puppy. He is currently healthy and doing great. Approximate weight will be about 15 pounds adult size. For any additional questions contact Leroy with charmingpuppies.
Already Adopted
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Call/Text: (330) 473-8054
Puppy Parents
Mom - Ms Wilma
Ms Wilma is very sweet with her personality and Loves to cuddle. I’m excited to be able to have her as part of our family! She is currently very healthy with very healthy puppies she provides for.
Father - Dusty
Mr. Dusty has a great disposition and a unique color, for a king Charles Cavalier. He is currently AKC registered and very healthy.
Fast Facts About Cavachons
He is the perfect dog
I wanted to say thank you for our beloved “third child”, Murphy (born in August 2021). He is the sweetest, cuddliest dog. He loves other animals and is friendly with everyone he meets. He is the perfect dog for a…
Allie A.
The perfect puppy adoption!
After looking a long while at different breeders I chose Leroy with Charming Puppies. The experience was nothing but excellent! Leroy was quick to send pictures and answer all of my questions in a very speedy manner. I have only…
Amy Smith
Archie Is Doing Great!
Archie is doing great! We decided to keep his name. He’s definitely part of the family. I’d say he’s a little spoiled already. Very entertaining. He keeps us moving for sure! So glad we found him. Thanks so much!
Steve & Annette
She Is Everything We Hoped She Would Be
We are so glad we found you and got our Heidi from you. She is everything we hoped she would be. Very playful and loves everyone she meets. We can tell she came from a loving place as she is…