Mr. Oscar the Cavachon
Oscar is very sweet with his personality and is currently a runt in the litter . he is very healthy and will come up-to-date with his shots and dewormed. He will be approximately 14 pounds adult size. For any additional questions contact Leroy with charmingpuppies.
Already Adopted
Need a little help?
Call/Text: (330) 473-8054
Puppy Parents
Mom - Lady the Bichon
Lady is very healthy and has a great disposition.
Father - Tucker the Cavalier
Mr. Tucker has a laid-back, sweet personality
Fast Facts About Cavachons
Linus Brings Us So Much Joy
My husband and I recently welcomed the most wonderful little Cavachon puppy into our home. Linus brings us so much joy, love, and laughter! He’s already starting to pick up on all puppy daily routines. He…
Chrissy and Jeremy
He Loves To Play And Cuddle
I renamed Dixson. His name is Louie. Was going to name him Charlie after King Charles, but I have a brother named Charlie. That would have been too confusing for my Mom. He loves to play…
Trust Leroy Miller with Charming Puppies!
In October 2023, I contacted Charming Puppies and became a fan of its owner Leroy Miller. I learned so much from him about Cavachon puppies and how he manages every contingency to produce healthy puppies. He…
A. Frevert
Thank You So Much For Bringing Joy To My Family
Thank you so much for bringing joy to my family. Beau (formally Milo) is smart, loving, and full of spunk. He’s my son’s new best friend. You made the process leading up to meeting Beau easy.…
Brianne Burkart