Need a little help?
Call/Text: (330) 473-8054

Expert Puppy
Training Available

We are thrilled to offer expert puppy training through Sarah, a local trainer that we have partnered with. Sarah does a wonderful job with our puppies and creates a custom training plan to fit each puppy and puppy parent's needs.
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Mr. Bear the Cavachon

male icon
Birthday: 08/14/2024
Stork Delivery
Available: October 9, 2024

Mr bear has that sweet loving face and personality that makes him so special,please give me a call with any questions you have.

Need a little help?
Call/Text: (330) 473-8054

Expert Puppy
Training Available

We are thrilled to offer expert puppy training through Sarah, a local trainer that we have partnered with. Sarah does a wonderful job with our puppies and creates a custom training plan to fit each puppy and puppy parent's needs.
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Puppy Parents

Mom - Molly the Bichon

Breed: Bichon Frise
Weight: 13 lbs.
Ms molly does have a very sweet, loving personality. I am excited to be able to have her as part of our family. She is a great addition to charming Puppies and takes great care of her puppies

Father - Harley the Cavalier

Breed: Cavalier King Charles
Weight: 18 lbs.

Fast Facts About Cavachons



I Would Absolutely Recommend Charming Puppies

Just a quick note to thank you for this amazing gift named CALVIN. ???? Leroy was amazing during the process of adopting Calvin the long distance from Chicago to Ohio. He was so kind to keep…

My new best friend!

I was hesitant to buy my puppy online, since I live in Texas and the breeder is in Ohio. I FaceTimed with him and watched my puppy play. They delivered him right to my door! It…
Brenda Hughes

Star Of The Neighborhood!

Athena had her 12-week checkout... she's in excellent health, already 6.8 lbs., fully housebroken, incredibly smart, and the star of the neighborhood! You did well Leroy...

Leroy became a friend that we could trust

Gracie is so adorable & friendly. Delivery was a new experience & seeing her with numerous pictures Leroy would send us online, we were able to watch her growing up.
